Delicate, generous, and soft.
Maman was created first as an ambiance scent until we could all experience its hidden magic! Maman truly transports us to our higher self, our spirit guides, it connects to our Mother Nature, the source of all love and all beginnings.
With Blue Lotus as a primary note, Main is refreshing and distinctive, it is welcoming and grounding.
Potency : medium
Blue Lotus | Jasmine | Orange Blossom
Head, forehead, scalp, neck, shoulders, chest, heart. inner-arm, wrist.
Chakras : Sahasrara ( Crown chakra), Atna (Third Eye chakra), Anahata (Heart chakra)
A spiritual awakening experience, a connection to our higher self. To seek clarity within our purpose.
Anytime and certainly during meditation. When we need some self-love.
Blue Lotus
Floral, fresh and soft.
Well known in asian culture to be spiritually awakening, uplifting and grounding.
Floral, delicate and feminine.
Rich, floral and exotic.
Naturally uplifting, Jasmine is used to prevent anxiety and bring happy mood.
Orange Blossom
Distilled from the fragrant blossoms of the orange tree, it is a powerful and invigorating oil yet light and round, its sweet floral note ends is paired to a slight citrus touch.
This uplifting oil ease feelings of depression, anxiety, sadness and grief. It encourage inner peace and is often used in meditation.